60 Tips for Hosting a Fangtastic Halloween Party at Your Office!

By James Ball

Coburg Banks
5 min readOct 14, 2016

The spookiest day of the year is just around the corner…

And that can only mean one thing. It’s time to celebrate! Casper-style.

(If you need justification to host an office party, here you go — it engages your staff, solidifies relationships between the team, increases productivity, motivation and output, boosts your employer and company brand and customer service levels (need I say more?).

So, this week, I’ve got a list of 60 spooktacular (yes, I said it) ideas that’ll make sure your event goes down with a howl.

Prepare…. to be scared… if you dare… “Muahahahahahahaha…”


Obviously, you’ve got to get yourself a super-spooky playlist to set the scene…

  1. Monster Mash — Bobby Pickett

2. Time Warp — Rocky Horror Picture Show — Richard O’Brien

3. Thriller — Michael Jackson

4. Ghostbusters — Ray Parker Jr.

5. Wuthering Heights — Kate Bush. (What? It’s well creepy…)

6. Twisted Nerve — Bernard Herrmann

7. Psycho Theme — Bernard Herrmann

8. Rosemary’s Lullaby — Rosemary’s Baby

9. Tubular Bells — The Exorcist

10. The X-Files Theme — Mark Snow

Ooh — some of these gave me the shivers.


If you want to be extra creepy, you could set a theme. Just imagine…

11. A bunch of zombies.

12. A crowd of creepy dolls.

13. Or clowns? (*Shudder*)

14. A team of slasher-movie murderers.

15. Or a congress of Victorian ghosts.

16. A coven of witches (or vampires).

17. Or a pack of werewolves.

…all just chilling around your office! Warning: you might freak out the neighbours.

Or if your team would appreciate something a little bit more cute and cuddly, you could suggest…

18. Alice in Wonderland.

19. Aliens.

20. Pumpkins.

Whatever floats your boat!

Imagine walking into an office filled with creepy dolls? #Halloween #Work #Fun



It wouldn’t be a party without some party games…

21. Bobbing for apples.

22. Hanging apples. The same rules apply, except the apples are hung up, rather than in water.

23. Guess the items in the box. The more squidgy and gross they feel the better.

24. Mummy Race! Get in teams, mummify a designated co-worker (with toilet paper) and race to the other side of the office.

25. Pin the spider on the web. Like pin the tail on the donkey but you’re aiming for the middle of the web and you can get extra points if you land on a fly.

26. Guess the weight of the pumpkin. Winner wins the pumpkin (what a prize)!

27. Murder in the dark. Classic.

28. The horror movie drinking game. Whack on a horror and every time someone does something stupid (like runs into the dark, creepy forest) — drink!

29. Guess the movie — from quotes and/or photos and/or music.

30. Halloween Pictionary! All drawings must be Halloween-themed.

Interested in games that aren’t Halloween-related? Check out this SnackNation blog post.

Almost time for apple bobbing!!! #Halloween #Work #Fun



Other than your standard Halloween games, you can make your party even more fun with…

31. A costume competition. Scariest or silliest wins — it’s up to you.

32. Some traditional “trick or treating” (other companies in your office building or on your street).

33. A pumpkin carving competition (make sure you check with Health and Safety first)!

34. A scary movie marathon! (Halloween is always a good shout…)

35. A mobile petting zoo — request spiders and snakes and all the other scariest beasts.

36. Pumpkin Come Dine with Me. Everyone has to make some sort of treat, using pumpkin.

37. A spooky murder mystery afternoon.

38. A fortune teller (ask your staff first…)

39. A Halloween-themed pub quiz — basing your questions on horror films etc.

40. Ghost story time. Make sure your turn off all the lights.

Come to think of it, you could pretty much make any event Halloween-related…

Spooky afternoon-tea? Terrifying treasure hunt? Creepy charades?

Think these are great? You’ve got to check out this blog.

Trick or treat? #Halloween #Work #Fun



So, you have the essentials…

41. If you can’t see a pumpkin — somewhere, you’ve gone wrong.

42. Tiny little creepy fake spiders are a must-have (they’re actually scarier than the big ones…)

43. Some cobwebs dotted about the place.

44. Perhaps, a few skeletons.

45. And why not top it all off with some hanging bats?

But if you want to go a bit further and host a Halloween party to remember, you could consider…

46. A headless doorman!

47. A fog machine (slightly overboard).

48. A “head” in a jar — this is horrible.

49. Creepy messages written in “blood” (make sure the fake blood isn’t permanent).

50. Spine-chilling tombstones and gargoyles.

You can find some great ideas (cute or terrifying) on Pinterest.

Got your pumpkin yet? #Halloween #Work #Fun



Obviously you’ll have to come up with some crazy drink concoctions like…

51. A witch’s broth. (Some kind of punch).

52. Bloody Marys.

53. The Blackbeard.”

54. Shrunken heads in cider.

55. Non-alcoholic wine. (Because that truly is terrifying…)

And if you fancy putting an entire spread on, check these out…

56. Jelly worms. These look grim.

57. Gingerbread vampires.

58. Roasted pumpkin seeds.

59.Snake Bites” — these look brilliant.

60. Meringue ghosts.

Again, just have a browse of Pinterest; there are heaps of ideas and recipes!

“Shrunken heads in cider,” anyone? #Halloween #Work #Fun


Are you suitably spooked?

I hope these tips have inspired you to host the best damn Halloween party you’ve ever had. I know I’m certainly looking forward to ours!

Recruiter Pro Tip

As I said earlier in this blog, there are a number of great reasons to host a party!

(It will help to engage your staff, solidify relationships between the team, increases productivity, motivation and output, boosts your employer and company brand and customer service levels…)

Check out these blogs to find out more…

How Having Fun Can Boost Employee Productivity.

How to Have Fun at Work And Why It Is Important.

12 Ways to Stop Your Employees Getting Too Bored at Work.

We should all have some fun at work!

If you’d like to read more, fun articles like this one — about the lighter side of work — click here to check out the rest of our blog post.

Happy planning.

James Ball

James is the founder and owner of Coburg Banks and a recruitment expert from Sutton Coldfield in the UK. He regularly advises companies on how to improve and get the maximum ROI from their recruitment processes.



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Coburg Banks

Written by Coburg Banks

We’re a UK based, multi-sector recruiter that‘s on a mission to prove that recruitment doesn’t necessarily have to be predictable and boring.

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