Just some of the ways you’re annoying your colleagues [Infographic]
A few weeks ago, we published an infographic naming and shaming the 10 most annoying colleagues you’ll find in most offices — click here if you missed it.
But it occurred to me at the time that we all must have at least one thing, one bad habit, that winds up our co-workers — right?
I mean we spend so much time with them, we’re bound to get on their nerves occasionally.
After browsing the internet and stumbling across rant-upon-rant, I discovered I was definitely right!
So today, I’m revealing the 30 most annoying things (based on the number of complaints I’ve seen) you could be doing to drive your colleagues mad…
Are you guilty?
Well, the professionals of the UK have spoken — they’re a judgemental lot, aren’t they?
Ok, hands up. I may have done a couple (or a few) of the things on this list at some point (every day) or other… surely everyone has?!
So maybe next time you’re feeling disgruntled with the sniffer or peeved about “the air conditioning situation” perhaps you should take a moment to consider what YOU could be doing to irritate your colleagues? There’s probably something.
Recruiter Pro Tip
There is a (serious) fine line between slightly irritating your colleagues and being disruptive.
- Being constantly late will seriously hold up (and piss off) your team.
- Gossip can quickly morph into bullying.
- And “space invasion” can be seen as intimidating and inappropriate.
Just try to make sure you stay on the right side of that line.
OK, that’s the serious bit over with!
Want to read more Funnies?
If you enjoyed this blog, I’m sure you’ll also love these…
- 10 Infuriating People Who Should Be Banned From All Meetings.
- The 25 Most Annoying Things That Bosses Do.
- 10 Types of Horrible Bosses.
- 28 Sarcastic Quotes for Annoying Bosses or Colleagues in Your Office
- The 40 Worst Commuter Habits (And why they should be banned).
If you’d like to read more stories like this one, please check out our Friday Funnies — HERE.
Happy Friday!