The 10 Most Annoying Colleagues You’ll Find in Most Offices [Infographic]
By Anthony Hughes
Considering you spend pretty much half of your life with your colleagues, it’s pretty unlikely that you’ll get on with them 100% of the time.
You may get a little irritable with each other, you may snap occasionally and you may even end up having a full-blown argument! But for the most part, you suck it up, apologise and generally get on…
But then there are those annoying colleagues who just seem to be utterly oblivious to how annoying they actually are — the ones who refuse to change.
Do you recognise any of them?
Recognise Any of These Annoying Colleagues?
I know, I know, some of these may sound a bit harsh… and the truth is, most of us will have one (or more) irritating little habits that might frustrate our co-workers.
But those little quirks, even when they are annoying are what makes us human — and so entertaining! For some (light-hearted) tips on how to overcome these frustrations, check out these posts…
- 23 simple ways to deal with your annoying coworkers
- The 50 Most Annoying Office Habits (and a Plea to the Culprits…)
- 4 Tips for Dealing with a Lazy Co-worker
Have fun and good luck!
If you’d like to read some more of our Friday Funnies — click here.
The Serious Bit!
There is a serious side to this infographic — and that’s our number 10 “annoying” colleague.
Recruiter Pro Tip
If there is something slightly more sinister going on in your office — IE you have a bully — then it is really important to take action NOW.
Whether it’s you who’s bearing the brunt of this person’s unhappiness or one of your colleagues, allowing the bully’s behaviour to continue is not an option.
For more advice, check out these resources…
- Am I Being Bullied?
- 10 Tips for Dealing with Bullies at Work
- 10 Ways to deal with Bully Bosses
- Bullying and harassment at work
I know it’s not an easy topic to discuss and it can be scary to bring it up — but life really is too short to hate your job — especially because of one idiot.
Happy Friday folks — have a lovely weekend.
Anthony Hughes
Anthony is a recruitment veteran of 18 years and is also one of the original founders of Coburg Banks. He now trains recruitment consultants on the best methods to utilise when sourcing and assessing applicants for their clients.