The 10 Most Dramatic Ways People Have Handed In Their Notice
By Mark Wilkinson
So — we’ve (probably) all daydreamed about quitting our job at some point during our career.
Going out in a blaze of glory and drama, stomping through the door with one, backwards glance that says to the others — I’m free.
But most of us would never dream of actually going through with such a stunt… most of us.
This week, we’ve compiled a hilarious list of the 10 most dramatic ways people have handed in their notice, across the globe.
Whether you need a little inspiration or you just fancy a giggle — enjoy and happy Friday!
1. What a Puppet!
In 2014, Gwen Dean sacked off her job in front of over 100,000,000 witnesses — in a Super Bowl advert!
Quitting an 18 year long career as a machine engineer, she told viewers that she was moving on to become a self-employed puppeteer!
And her little blue bird puppet even helped her to make the announcement…
How dramatic!
If you’d like to see what she’s up to these days, check out this article from Fast Company.
Imagine handing in your notice in front of 100,000,000 witnesses! (You definitely couldn’t go back.
2. Drama Queen
Talking of drama… no one can beat this “performance art” from Doug Walker.
Playing that epic music we all recognise — Also Sprach Zarathustra — in the cafeteria, there’s definitely a sense that something GREAT is about to happen…
Possibly, just a little bit of a let down in the end…
He seemed to enjoy himself though — that’s the main thing.
Is quitting your job really performance art?
3. The Latest News
Perhaps you’ve heard this story before…
One day, after 12 years of loyal service, Goldman Sachs exec Greg Smith, decided that he’d just about had enough of his job.
So, he sat down to write his letter of resignation… and then an idea struck him — “Well heck! If I’m going to go out, I want to go out in style.’
Smith penned an Op-Ed for The New York Times, brandishing his former employers as toxic and destructive and accusing them of ripping off their clients.
Read his scathing and infamous indictment which remains online to this day.
What’s he doing these days? Click here to find out. (Not too shabby…)
Quitting your job via The New York Times — can you really expect to find another job afterwards? Surely no one would touch you with a barge pole?
4. Bananarama
I must admit, I’m particularly fond of this amazing “quitting story.”
Pretty simple, but very amusing — I just can’t imagine how I’d react if someone did this to me…
Mariachi band, man dressed as a banana and a bunch of bewildered colleagues; what’s not to love?
If this doesn’t manage to bring a smile to your face, I’m not sure what will.
Mariachi band, man dressed as a banana and a bunch of confused co-workers — what’s NOT to love?!
5. The Rant
It’s something that most of us (who’ve suffered at the hands of a horrible manager) have dreamt about… telling the boss exactly where to stick it.
But some misplaced sense of decency, humility and self-control will usually prevail.
Roy Keane was always a little different, though.
After quitting as Captain of the Republic of Ireland football team in 2002, he left no holds barred in a damning interview with the Irish Times revealing concerns about the Irish team and why he had decided to leave.
This of course, led to a dressing room a heated showdown between Keane and his Manager Mick McCarthy.
Now known simply as the ‘Saipan Incident‘, the exchange has gone down in football folklore and is also a textbook example of how to really tell your boss to stick their job.
Ranting at your boss before storming out may feel amazing… but what happens next?
6. Via Viral Video
Marina Shifrin has become an internet sensation.
Her YouTube video of her resignation — “An Interpretive Dance For My Boss Set To Kanye West’s Gone” — (see below) has attracted a pretty satisfying 19,704,105 views (at the time of posting this blog).
In her own words, after two years of sacrificing relationships, time and energy for her job, she found herself alone in the office (Next Media Animation, Taiwan) at 4.30 am and decided, enough was enough.
The video pretty much speaks for itself…
The company did release a “retaliation” video, which you can view here. (Slightly more cringey and slightly less successful).
As for Shifrin, she now describes herself on her own website as a ‘writer, comedian and waitress.’ Read into that what you will.
Still absolutely loving this interpretative ‘I Quit’ dance from Marina Shifrin!
7. Mr Cake
Chris Holmes’ sweet resignation just goes to prove, you don’t always have to leave on bad terms! Even if you are quitting.
Holmes decided to leave Border Force in the hope of devoting “more time and energy to family and his cake business.”
Polite, friendly (and by the looks of it excruciatingly tasty) Holmes truly handed his notice in with style.
Of course, posting his picture on Twitter also brought some great PR for his new business!
I need some of this cake in my life, right now.
8. The Great Escape
Look, we all know that some customers can be bloody annoying.
But there’s a trick to surviving… take three deep breaths, smile and move on.
Unfortunately, air steward Steven Slater‘s hadn’t heard of such a trick.
After a customer swore at him (he’d asked her to remain in her seat until the plane stopped) he grabbed a few beers, announced his resignation amidst a swearing tirade via intercom and escaped down the plane’s inflatable emergency exit shoot!
Talk about going out with a bang.
Oops — forgot to mention, he got arrested by armed police after the incident! (Still a legend in my book).
9. It’s Just a Game!
If you like computer games then you’ll LOVE this.
“Farbs” decided that the best way to quit his job was to use some of his crazy computer skills!
The result is this fantastic (and interactive) Mario-esque letter of resignation.
It’s nice to hear a light-hearted quitting story amongst all the bitterness.
10. Live on TV
It’s probably a good idea NOT to piss off your live News reporters.
Alaska’s KTVA learnt the hard way when Charlo Greene was asked to cover a story on medical marijuana — not yet legalised.
So what was the problem? She owned the very Alaskan Cannabis Club she was told to discuss and condemn on air!
Greene seemingly wrestled with her conscience before ending the segment with the classic line: ‘F*ck it, I quit.’
The station issued a groveling apology through social media channels, but almost certainly hit peak viewing figures as Greene’s resignation resounded around the world.
Saying ‘F*ck it, I quit’ live on telly is (still) one hell of a way to quit your job!
As you can probably imagine, Charlo Greene isn’t the only presenter who’s ditched their job live on air over the years!
Some, a little less explosively of course…
Slightly controversial, but it definitely makes great television
You should never do a job that you don’t believe in.
Feeling Inspired?
Or like me, are you just downright confused?
Recruiter Pro Tip.
Although these creative and dramatic stories are funny, entertaining (and occasionally scary) it’s important to consider… what happens next?
After handing in your notice, you’ll need a new job and chances are you’ll be asked for a reference — from your latest employer — you’re not going to get that from someone you’ve just called an “asshole!”
No matter how great it may feel at the time, it’s genuinely not worth the consequences.
We’ve all had crap jobs. But you have to make a decision… is it worth sticking it out and attempting to improve things or, is it time to leave and move on?
Either way, we’ve got piles of resources to help you… just click here to sign up to our career and job-seeking blog.
Happy Friday folks!
Mark Wilkinson
Mark is one of the founders of Coburg Banks and heads up the permanent recruitment division of the business. Every day he helps companies with their recruitment projects, sourcing the very best individuals for their vacancies. He understands recruitment inside-out.